Hari Kemerdekaan – 2022
Every year all Indonesians (and foreigners too) look forward to August 17th. Indonesian celebrations of Independence day, at schools, housing complexes, offices, and on the streets, everybody stands still at what happened on 17 August 1945 at 10:00am, the proclamation of Indonesia’s independence was read. After a moment of being serious, it is time for […]
Pancasila Day – 2022
All staff and teachers wish Indonesian citizens a good Pancasila day. Pancasila Day (commemoration of the five principles of Pancasila): These principles are the cornerstone of Indonesian government and society. These five principles are: 1. Belief in the One True God2. A just and civilized humanity3. The unity of all Indonesians4. Democracy under the wisdom […]
Pancasila Day – 2021
All teachers, staff and management wishes everyone a happy Pancasila Day – Unity in Diversity!
A busy week at Premier!
It’s been all go here at Premier! We kicked off with the spelling bee at Jubilee school, with our judges Jason and Danni there to hand out prizes and allocate marks. This weekend, Jason and Barry were asked to speak at an event held by Asshodriyah Islamic Primary School. We will be working with the […]
Carolus Day 2019@Tarakanita Citra Raya
Premier Language Services were delighted to join in with the Carolus Day 2019 celebrations at Tarakanita Citra Raya. Thank you for having us, Tarakanita Citra Raya! We hope to see you again next year and Happy Carolus Day from all at Premier. For those students who are sitting exams this week, we wish you the […]
Festival Literasi at Tarki GS
Premier was proud to be a part of the Festival Literasi at Tarakanita Gading Serpong. From a traditional food festival, to Tarakanita’s Got Talent, the Festival Literasi took place today to much fanfare and applause. Premier was extremely privileged to be involved and we can’t wait for the next event! Tarki GS is just one […]
Schools and Events October 2019
Thank you for joining us for a round-up of the events we have currently participated in alongside our wonderful schools. This month, Premier Language Services were part of the English Festival at Pribadi Bilingual Boarding School, in Depok. Held on October 14th-October 16th 2019, the Pribadi English Festival was a huge success and we were […]